The young star who now meets the expectations as a breeding stallion!
Django Riff is the richest champion of his generation, with already 17 successes and 1,3 million euro to name.
His cross (Ready Cash/Cocktail Jet) replicates that of Bold Eagle’s.
His impeccable pedigree combines recurring lines of American champion sire Star’s Pride and French staple Kerjacques.
Django Riff racing career:
1th Criterium de Jeunes GR I
1th Prix Albert Viel GR I
1th Champ. Europ. des 3 Ans GR I
1th Prix Octave Douesnel GR II
1th Prix Jacques de Vaulogé GR II
1th Prix Victor Régis GR II
1th Prix Kalmia GR II
1th Prix Paul Viel GR II
1th Prix Maurice de Gheest GR II
1th Prix Emmanuel Margouty GR II
1th Prix Lavater GR II
2nd Critérium des 3 ans GR I
2nd Prix de l’Etoile GR I
2nd Prix Ovide Moulinet GR II
2nd Prix Jules Thibault GR II
2nd Prix Abel Bassigny GR II
2nd Prix de l’Etoile GR I
3rd Champ. Europ.des 5 ans GR II
3rd GP. Von Deutschland GR I etc..
The mother is Rasta Perrine 1.12.8/106 440 € and Django Riff is her first offspring.
Mother also of Ellington Dream 1.12.2/ 200,995 €, Get Happy 1.12.1/143,810 € (Breding stallion) and Indy Dark 1.12.1/212 995 €
Django Riff daughter Good Vibes 1.11,2 / 2 459 000 kr is a double millionaire (kronor) and has fine merits in the final of Breeders Course 2 years old (Gr II), Bengan 1.10,4 / 3 430 013 kr second in the Swedish criterium GR I
Kashmir River 1.12,2 / 1 236 500 kr third in Swedish Trot-Oaks GR I.
Jazzy Perrine top offspring with 1.09,0 / 598 090 € and the winner of several GR II races
Jazzy Dancer 1.12,0/101.369 € won a qualifying race for the Breeders Course 2 years old (Gr II), but unfortunately failed in the final.
In January 2022, Jazzy Perrine won the Prix Gelinotte in the GR II race and a few weeks earlier she finished second in the Prix Une de Mai (Gr II) behind Jamaica Turbo by Charly du Noyer.
Igrec de Celland 1.10,7/421.770 € won av Finale du Grand National du Trot 2024
Eyeofthetiger 1.12.0/667 250 kr won Breeders’ Crown – Tvååriga and has won four of his six starts as a two-year-old
First crop are born 2018
Some of European winners: (8 January 2025 )
Some of the top Diango Riff offspring in France (8 January 2025)
Offsprings results in France : Link