Idao de Tillard continues to win!
Idao de Tillard won Prix Louis Jariel Gr II yesterday with the driver Clement Duvaldestin ( + 54.000€ 1.10,9/2.175)
The trainer is Thierry Duvaldestin.
The mother is America de Tillard1.16,0( First de Retz)
Idao de Tillard best results 2023:
1th Prix Louis Jariel Gr II 19/8
1th Prix Jean le Gonidec Gr II 10/6
1th Prix Jean Riaud Gr II 26/5
1th Prix Ovide Moulinet Gr II 12/2
1th Prix de Croix Gr II 14/1
Idao de Tillard is available in fresh and frozen semen.
Contact Francois Jamier at:
Tel: +46(0)722218270